Heavy Duty Laminated Hazard Warning Tape, 2" Wide

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Our most popular heavy duty laminated hazard warning tapes. Looking for the ultimate in longevity? Tired of constantly replacing tapes? The smooth gloss finish will resist wear and is easily cleaned. The over lamination improves tapes ability to withstand heavy and wheeled traffic. 

Conform To OSHA Color Recommendations

Physical Hazards - Yellow & Black
For marking chemical hazards, holes, fallen wires, dock loading platforms, construction areas and more.

Fire Protection Equipment - Red & White
Provides quick identification of all equipment to be used in case of a fire.

Housekeeping and Aisle Marking - White & Black
Perfect for indicating aisles and work areas being cleaned.

Choose our superior 8 mil laminated hazard tapes to save you time and premature replacement costs for only pennies over competitive non laminated tapes!

All laminated hazard warning tapes have an aggressive acrylic adhesive system that will adhere to most any clean, dry surface.

Available in 2", 3", 4" widths x 54' or 108' rolls. Available Tape Colors: Red/White, Yellow/Black, Green/White, Black/White.

Technical Specifications

Case Qty: 24 Rolls
Roll Length: 18 Yards (54')
Case Weight: 15 lbs
Roll Length: 36 Yards (108')
Case Weight: 25 lbs

Application(s): a good choice for most industrial applications. Our general purpose PVC tape products are a great choice for floor aisle marking and color-coding pipe banding applications. Tape is overlaminated with a clear SPVC laminated for excellent durability. The 8 MIL PVC tape is formulated with a cross linked rubber adhesive providing good adhesive tack and flow, making it Adhesive: Crosslinked Rubber Adhesive

Carrier: SPVC Vinyl (8 mil)
Liner: No Liner - Tape Is Self Wound
Shelf Life: One year from date of purchase when stored at 700F, 50% relative humidity.

Property: Test Method: Measurement:
PVC Film
Thickness PSTC-33 8 mils
Tensile Strength ASTM-D638 > 33 lb / inch
Elongation ASTM-D638 > 200%
Rubber Adhesive
Adhesion To Steel ASTM D-1000 22 oz/inch
Adhesion To Backing ASTM D-1000 22 oz/inch
Operational Temp. (-10 to 600C) -14 to 1400F
Min Application Temp. 100C (500F)

This data is based on typical results achieved. It is the sole responsibility of the buyer or user to ensure that the product is suitable for any proposed end use or application and to esnure proper cleaning of the substrate to which it will be applied. This data in no way constitutes a specification, nor should it be seen as a recommendation for use. We accept no liability for any loss, damage or injury resulting from the use of these products or data. June 2004.