Why Plant Based Chemistry Makes a Difference?


Why Plant-Based Content Makes A Difference

Plant based chemistry uses bio-renewable materials as feedstock in our coating products as a direct replacement for non-renewable materials such as petrochemicals with compromising performance attributes. The two most common petrochemical classes are olefins (including ethylene and propylene) and aromatics (including benzene, toluene, and xylene isomers). Beyond being non-renewable and fossil fuel-based, petrochemicals are hazardous to human health and has a negative impact on carbon emissions. The chart below outlines the associated hazards with each of the most common petrochemicals used in coatings and specialty cleaning chemicals.

Green Building Scoring Assessment Chart


GreenScreen Hazard Score

Hazard Definition



Avoid, Chemical of High Concern



Avoid, Chemical of High Concern



Avoid, Chemical of High Concern

Xylene isomers


Avoid, Chemical of High Concern

dimethylformamide (DMF)


Avoid, Chemical of High Concern

N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP)


Avoid, Chemical of High Concern



Possible Chemical of High Concern, Report Needed

GreenScreen rated Chemicals of High Concern are hazardous to human health and the environment consistent with global regulations like REACH. The toxic effects include:

  • carcinogens,
  • reproductive, developmental, and neurodevelopmental toxicants,
  • mutagens,
  • persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic chemicals (PBTs),
  • very persistent and very bioaccumulative chemicals (vPvBs) and endocrine disruptors.

The effects of toxic solvent odors are another health-related impact for building occupants that that often produce respiratory or allergenic responses. These negative physical well-being impacts have financial implications resulting from increased healthcare costs and loss of productivity.

Bio-renewable feedstock substances contrast with the highly toxic petrochemicals; these substances include plant-based oils such as soy, linseed and cashew nut. By trading harmful petrochemicals in their products, Eco Safety Products is protecting human health and the environment we live in.

Eco Safety Products is committed to the basic principle of producing products such as paints, stains, sealers, coatings, and cleaners without harmful substances whenever possible. This philosophy includes removing Red Listed Chemicals and replacing commonly used petrochemicals with plant based alternatives, thus creating safer products that are less damaging to humans and the environment.

Removing aromatics like benzene, toluene, and xylene isomers creates another benefit for Eco Safety Products; products made with bio-renewable materials instead of petrochemicals are not only removing the substances from the chemical composition but are also removing them from the air through avoided emissions. Products from Eco Safety Products have 0 g/l of VOC content and the lowest emissions registered by the CDPH Standard Emissions Test for Indoor Environments v1.2 because they have substituted out those harmful petrochemicals and replaced them with substances such as soy vegetable oil. Below are a list of products and their plant derived content.

Bio-Renewable Raw Materials We Use:

Soy Oil, Linseed Oil, Vegetable Oil, Cashew Nut Oil, Glycerin, Sugar Derivatives, Cellulose, Lactic Acid, and Polysaccharides.


Plant based chemistry uses bio-renewable materials as feedstock in products as a replacement for non-renewable materials such as petrochemicals. By removing the hazardous substances from products Eco Safety Products is manufacturing products safer for human health and the environment. That safety extends from not only chemicals exposure in the composition of the product whereas the toxic chemicals could cause cancer or reproductive harm, based on exposure levels, but also in the indoor air by creating avoided emissions. Removing the use of the petrochemicals in the environment creates a safer space and a less toxic workplace for the manufacturer. Employees are not exposed to toxic chemicals by their work exposure which improves their health and the health of the environment near the facility. Emissions are avoided from the replacement of petrochemicals, called aromatics, typically found in building materials, that off-gas indoor the indoor air. Bio renewable chemistry creates a win-win for human health and the environment.

Eco Safety Products is focused on health and safety of their customers and projects. Manufacturing products with non-hazardous chemicals makes good sense. It's why their name says it all- Eco Safety Products.